😎 GASERI – Grupa za aplikacije i usluge na eksaskalarnoj istraživačkoj infrastrukturi / Group for Applications and Services on Exascale Research Infrastructure
🇭🇷 Grupa za aplikacije i usluge na eksaskalarnoj istraživačkoj infrastrukturi
- Kolegij Informatika za farmaceute na sveučilišnom integriranom prijediplomskom i diplomskom studiju Farmacija
- Kolegij Računalna biokemija i biofizika na sveučilišnom poslijediplomskom doktorskom studiju Informatika
- Teme završnih i diplomskih radova
🇺🇸 Group for Applications and Services on Exascale Research Infrastructure
- Introductory presentation
- Latest blog posts and posts grouped by tags
- Principal investigator and PhD students
- Code optimization course
- GROMACS and CMake tutorials
GASERI completed its mission in 2024, as described in Molecular dynamics simulation for exascale supercomputing era -- scientific research and software engineering challenges.
- Dr. Vedran Miletić, our Principal Investigator, is now working as an HPC Application Expert at Max Planck Computing and Data Facility.
- Milan Petrović remained a Research and Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, where he is a part of SemTechLab.
- Matea Turalija, our PhD Student, moved to Faculty of Medicine, where she is working as a Research and Teaching Assistant at Department of Bioinformatics and Staff and Student Development.
- Students defended their theses, finished their studies, and now work in various companies in Croatia and abroad.
We are grateful to our collaborators for their support over the last twelve years, including both the last three years of GASERI and the prior nine years of CNPSLab.
This website will mostly be kept as-is for historical purposes and maintained just as much as necessary to keep up with the technology changes and link breakages. There are two notable exceptions that will get semi-regular updates: blog and GROMACS tutorials.
👩😎😎📹👨 Intervju Vedrana Miletića i Matee Turalija od strane Lane Miličević i Darijana Jelušića iz IEEE studentskog ogranka Sveučilišta u Rijeci na studentskom podcastu RiThinking STEM